Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the term given to the process of making your website more visible to search engines. Popular search engine such as Google, Yahoo or Bing will be the main drivers of visitors to your website. The search engines monitor (index) your site and make an assesment or 'Ranking' based on the content, keywords and relevance to its users.
Your aim is to appear on the first page of the search engine for relevant keywords. The Number 1 spot is your target. This is where Dev Team Solutions can help. Getting to the Number 1 spot isn't just a case of picking some keywords and tailoring your pages so those keywords appear over and over, SEO is a science. Search engines such as google constantly evolve their search parameters (algorithms) and here at Dev Team Solutions we keep track of these changes ensuring your website is marketed successfully. We understand updates such as Google Panda.
Many companies will offer SEO, most will offer the world and promise to rank your site highly whilst not delivering. We won't. Most of these companies will re write your content and repeat keywords over and over again, even making the content unreadable and render your site unusable. We won't. However we pride ourselve on optimising your site for your target audience without the need to fill your page with unreadable text
Our Guarentee
We will work closely with you as a business and optimise your sites so they attract more visitors on a daily basis. Optimisation is organic and changable, but we will work together to target the customers your business needs.
We can optimise new and existing websites alike. Give us a call today and let us show you what we can do